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Pandemic Mania= Staycation!

Now that we have come to realize and maybe accept our new normal, well some of us at least, we are on the move to repair, refresh, rem

odel and even expand our home. Not a moment to soon either since there maybe a possibility of a revisit to quarantining as early as the late fall months. So why not do the work while the weather is hot and we are having to retreat more into our back yard, if not parks, to really enjoy the summer months. One topic I would like to revisit is outdoor spaces. As may be evident to many who know me, I love outdoor living. That being said, check out our April 2019 blog 'OutDoor Spaces, Serious Business!

I am finding that lately, in the era of social distancing, there are a few articles popping up that are dedicated to the rediscovery of the above ground pool. By the same token, there needs to be just as many articles dedicated to guiding us how to maximize our "outdoor living room". Not only highlighting the selection of outdoor furnishings but also explaining how to lay out this new room to your house. That's right the new room! These outdoor spaces must be treated as such, where a fence, trees or bushes serve as the walls of that room, while also delineating

g various spaces for seating, dining and or lounging by said newly purchase above ground or in ground pool. So, first things first and let's pull out the measuring tape to determine how much space you actually have to work with. First, keep in mind the layout for pathways to and from the pool, the proximity of your outdoor kitchen to your indoor kitchen or the accessibility to your interior bathroom. Next, choose a color palette that will reflect or compliment or your interior palette, particularly if your outdoor room is adjacent to a family room or living room. For a more in depth discussion, revisit my our April 2019 blog.

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